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Traditional Wicca A Seeker's Guide【電子書籍】[ Thorn Mooney ]



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<p><strong>A Down-to-Earth Guide to Traditional Wicca</strong></p> <p>While there are many powerful variations of contemporary Witchcraft, traditional Wicca offers unique experiences for those who seek it out. This book explores structured, coven-based styles of Wicca, in which the practitioners typically trace initiatory lineages back to Wicca's early founders. Discussing covens, initiations, lineages, practices, ethics, and more, <em>Traditional Wicca</em> shares tips and ideas on how to get the most from this profound approach to Witchcraft.</p> <p>Discover how to recognize healthy, reputable covens. Learn how to navigate the process of asking for training and succeeding in an outer court. Explore the spiritual strength of lineages, hierarchies, and initiation. This book also includes contributions from several practitioners, providing valuable first-person perspectives on what it's like to be on the traditional Wiccan path.</p> <p><strong>Praise :</strong></p> <p>"Like the bristles of a besom, Thorn Mooney's <em>Traditional Wicca</em> sweeps through the subject of Witchcraft removing the dust and dirt of ignorance and prejudice to reveal the true heart of Wicca. Thorn writes with obvious sincerity, with feeling, and from experience. Her book covers everything from defining Witchcraft, through the workings of a coven, to actual initiation and beyond. She warns that Wicca is not for everyone andーI am personally delighted to seeーincludes a chapter on recognizing 'Red Flags' when first contacting others...especially those who might claim to be more than they actually are. This book is the quintessential guide for the true, sincere seeker."ーRaymond Buckland, author of <em>Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft</em></p> <p>"<em>Traditional Wicca</em> is a unique and important book. It's amazing to me that in over 70 years of publishing on the subject of Wicca, nothing like this book has ever been written! I'm kind of jealous I didn't think to write it myself. The chapter on initiation is, by itself, worth the cover price. If you want to understand what people mean by 'traditional Wicca,' whether or not you're seeking it, this is the one book you must read."ーDeborah Lipp, Wiccan high priestess and author of <em>Merry Meet Again</em></p> <p>"<em>Traditional Wicca</em> is a topic that few actually understand despite its long and distinguished history. With passion and skill, Thorn delivers a book that many familiar with Wicca will wish they had had when they were studying it, and those who find themselves on the path for the first time will rejoice at having found. Whether you intend to seek initiation or not, this book is full of valuable gems that will enhance any practice at any level. <em>Traditional Wicca</em> is an all-inclusive tour through the history, practices, and lore of traditional Wicca that weaves voices from all over the tradition and challenges everything you think you know about it."ーDevin Hunter, author of <em>The Witch's Book of Power</em></p> <p>"A masterful gem of insight and wisdom,<em>Traditional Wicca</em> reveals the time-honored practices of initiatory Wicca, thought all but lost by many, but hidden like so many occult secrets in plain sight. Drawing a clear and respectful distinction between eclectic Wicca and its older more traditional sibling, Thorn Mooney takes us on a personal journey exploring the powers and the pitfalls of the initiatory inner court, revealing the persistence of a thriving and dynamic Craft that is at once orthopraxic and changing, traditional and experimental. With practical advice for the seeker, peppered with personal anecdotes from several practitioners and initiates alike, this book is a much-needed map...Highly recommended."ーStorm Faerywolf, author of <em>Betwixt and Between</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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Traditional Wicca A Seeker's Guide【電子書籍】[ Thorn Mooney ] 1

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